Sunday, 7 October 2012

Farmer eaten by own pigs

Ever read George Orwell's Animal Farm? Some deep, philosophical stuff going on there, right? A harrowing fictional tale of a nightmarish animal uprising. Fictional, right? Maybe not. 

Terry Vance Garner, a 69-year-old farmer from Oregon, left one day to feed his animals and never returned.  Various body parts and his dentures were later discovered in the hog enclosure, with authorities stating that the pigs had devoured most of the unfortunate man before they arrived. 

It's not yet known how he met his grisly demise, but the source article reports he had been bitten once previously by the very same hogs. 

The upshot of all this is the very real and present danger that the bacon on your plate might bite back (probably not). 

[Source: Newslite]


  1. D: Wow, only thing I can think of is he may have had a heart attack/stroke and the pigs saw it as an opportunity? None the less, that's pretty messed up.

  2. Hopefully this doesn't get nearer to Animal Farm than it already has.

  3. Again, "probably not" wins for me.
