Saturday, 6 October 2012

Two hundred live tarantulas found in suitcase

How about a big ol' bag of NOPE?

A German couple returning from Peru were apprehended at Amsterdam airport with two hundred live tarantulas (among other things) stuffed in their suitcase. 

Thankfully, they were in little boxes, along with a varied collection of insects ranging from beetles to millipedes, all of which had been picked straight out of the Peruvian wilderness. What this means is we're dealing with not one but two pretty horrifying stories:

1) There's a bag full of spiders
2) There's a German couple who have no problem picking up hundreds of live tarantulas

Both valid reasons to reach for a flamethrower, I think.

[Source: The Local]


  1. That's not nice to the tarantulas, they could have died. I own a tarantula.

  2. Aaaand Pixar got their new idea for an animated movie.

  3. This story gave me the heeby jeebies. I wonder how much they were expecting to get paid for this.
