Friday, 28 September 2012

Zombie bees. ZOMBIE. BEES.

That's it, I'm out. Last one to leave the planet, turn the lights off. This is real. It is a thing. It is happening. Everybody run.

This story concerns a parasitic fly that lands on the back of a honeybee and injects eggs into the unfortunate's abdomen, which then hatch into maggots and 'basically eat the insides out of the bee'. The parasite also causes the infected host to 'fly at night and lurch around erratically until they die'. 

Mark Hohn, a beekeeper from Seattle who discovered one such infection in his own crop (do you have a crop of bees?) was quoted as saying "I joke with my kids that the zombie apocalypse is starting at my house". I'm sorry Mr Hohn, but the inevitable undead uprising is no laughing matter. 

Light-hearted sidenote: Nowhere in the source article does anyone use the term 'ZomBees'. They probably think themselves above such obvious wordplay. Thankfully, I'm not. 

[Source: NBC San Diego]


  1. I'm always prepared for an apocalypse. Also I heard a similar story about ants that get paracites just like those bees.

    1. Yep I read about that, apparently there's a fungus out there that can take control of ants

    2. Especially if someone decides to weaponize said fungus
