Saturday, 29 September 2012

Man arrested for having sex with a sofa in public

Man quoted as saying "Oh, you said to practice SAFER sex..." (Not really)

46-year-old Gerard Streator of Waukesha, Wisconsin, was brought in for "thrusting his pelvic area against the cushions and trying to sexually gratify himself by rubbing his penis between the two cushions".

After being confronted, he fled the scene, presumably promising to call the couch in the morning, and was later apprehended at the hotel in which he worked. The ordeal will end up costing him up to nine months jail time and a fine equivalent to around £7,000.

Meanwhile, the sofa is taking Mr Streator to court over unpaid child support for the three young futons he is now the father of (again, not really).

[Source: Huffington Post]


  1. Like the "not really" part, haha.
    Really when you look at pictures of these people, you can't not guess they did or are going to do something stupid like this.

  2. He should have gotten a room.
